Understanding your mind starts here.

We are here to help you meet your mind!

Dr. Kate Farwell, Psy.D. is a licensed psychologist and specializes in neuropsychological and psychological evaluations for children, teens and adults. She and her team bring a wealth of experience, knowledge, education, and warmth to your care.


We are grateful you’re here

to start your journey with us!

We are so glad you are here, and we look forward to working with you!

We specialize in providing quality neuropsychological and psychological evaluations for children (ages 6 & up), adolescents, and adults through age 80.

We also offer initial consultation sessions to help understand and planfully assess your (or your child’s) needs, areas of concern, as well as strengths!

Email us hello@meetyourmindatx.com or submit your information by clicking the “Contact Us” button below.

We look forward to hearing from you and partnering with you to meet your mind.

Let’s meet your mind together